Wow, what a week at Valor Games Southeast 2019!
Celebrating life, within loss, and the healing of going forward to live with disability for people who served our country in military service. A service given so that we may enjoy the many privileges we have daily.
This is what a week at Valor Games SE is.
- It is a time sharing the joys of competition, challenging oneself beyond what was known.
- It is finding strength, knowing that the journey of disability is not one shared alone.
- It is finding hope through learned tips and shared victories that show life beyond disability.
- It is swapping stories that only few can relate to, dispelling isolation.
- It is bearing witness to the truth of resilience, the capacity to recover from difficulties; toughness.
- It is giving life, feeling self-assured, rising from one’s appreciation of their own abilities after injury.
Valor Games SE cultivates a sense of certainty about the truth that one can live well with disability. Confidence is reborn.
Valor Games SE is strategically placed between two military dates. Armed Forces Day, celebrated on the third Saturday in May. A vision of President Harry S. Truman, to pay special tribute to the men and women of the Armed Forces as well as educating society and expanding public knowledge of the military and the role they play in the community. The back end of the week, we celebrate Memorial Day. A day that we remember all who served our country making the ultimate sacrifice so that we may have freedom in so many ways that others do not.
Valor Games SE educates our communities on what one can do after disability, honoring those who served making a sacrifice that will remain with them for life. It is only fitting, that we as a community, show honor to our service members by providing these types of competitions giving opportunity to discover Resilience, building Confidence, and finding Honor.
Thank you to our Event Sponsors, MetLife and Cisco and to all the sponsors and community partners that see the vision and give their resources to make this week a reality.
- This event took over 450 community volunteers to serve the 135 registered participants.
- This event took 3 weeks to load up and put all the adapted equipment together by a staff of 7.
- This event took volunteers to do equipment checks in April to ensure equipment is competition worthy.
- This event took 10 months of planning with Sport Leads. The Lead Volunteers stepped up as added leadership this year. They took on a new role with our volunteers to help the event run smoother.
I am grateful to my team of 7 at Bridge II Sports. Mighty in heart, believing in the vision, working long hours with patience and care. Thank you! You are amazing and a joy to work with.
To our interns who jumped in with both feet and hands, thank you for easing the load.
As we enjoy the summer, remember all the good that we also get to enjoy because of those who said, I will, and served.
Building the Bridge Together,
Ashley Thomas
Founder and CEO