This past week we lost someone very near and special to
our Bridge II Sports family.
Gloria’s husband Whit Johnson passed away suddenly from a heart attack while out for his first bike ride of the season.
In our tight-knit team of 8 our hearts are grieving together but finding light in the way Whit chose to live his life full of adventure, kindness, and love.
With gentle confidence Whit always greeted wth a hearty handshake and smile, comfortable in his skin and making you feel just as comfortable in yours.
Whit couldn’t stand to spend consecutive days indoors. His soul needed to be out in the fresh air doing- paddling, hiking, golfing, working on the house…always active, but in his signature easy-going way.
Whit was a regular at the Bridge II Sports office giving his time and energy to help in any and all ways…getting to see our Business Office Manager may have had something to do with how often he stopped by 😉
No matter what we needed “Wonder Whit” was there – tech support, woodworking, gardening, volunteering at events, fixing equipment, serving as a guide for our blind hikers, dishing up chili…even mowing and weed whacking– Whit was always up for the job and happy to help.
We are going to miss him deeply- not for all he did, but for all he was to us as a friend and all he was to Gloria as a husband and soulmate of 22 years.
So with one final wave we say good-bye with the warmth of knowing Whit truly lived his life. You will forever be in the heart of our Bridge II Sports family.