If you missed it on our social media channels, it was a wild April with high school athletes, coaches, and BIIS supporters taking to their home courts for the VIRTUAL MADNESS 2021 TOURNAMENT!

Check out the awesome recap video here:

A BIG congrats to DUCE who shredded his way through the bracket and sunk 8 buckets in 30 seconds to take home the championship!

It was amazing to see so many people – from all over, new faces and familiar, both with disabilities and those without – coming together virtually to show HOOPS ARE HOOPS no matter how you play. Thank you to all who took the challenge in support of Bridge II Sports!

Graphic: Thank you to our Virtual Madness 2021 Sponsors. Logos for: Budget Blinds, Capitol Broadcasting Company, Van Products, Atlantic coast Medical Equipment Services Association, RNE Consultants