Join other kids (ages 17 and under) in a full morning of adapted sports dedicated exclusively for youth with physical disabilities!
9am to 11:30am
Bridge II Sports facility
3729 Murphey School Road
Durham, NC
This is a great opportunity to try out new sports AND invite new athletes to get in the game.
Feel free to share the link – Bridge II Sports Youth Adapted Sports Day– with friends with disabilities that would love the opportunity to try 5 adapted sports in one morning.
Athletes will rotate in groups so they can experience each sport offered. SPACE IS LIMITED. Pre-Registration is REQUIRED and all BIIS ‘Playing It Safe’ COVID-19 precautions will be followed.
Families are welcome (no more than 5 individuals per family unit). ALL youth participating from a family, both athletes and siblings, MUST be pre-registered. All attendees must wear a cloth face covering for the duration of the event.
For questions or further details contact Wes Hall, Director of Programs