Bridge II Sports COVID-19 UPDATE MARCH 2022

Effective Monday, March 7, 2022, Orange County and Durham County removed the mask mandate.  As Bridge II Sports resides in Orange County and has a Durham address, I have been following that guidance.  All three counties where Bridge II Sports runs programs have removed the mask mandate.

Bridge II Sports will allow individuals to make their own choice on whether they will wear a mask at this time.  As we are in a community of people who may be immunocompromised – who cannot be vaccinated and remain at a higher risk, I ask that you continue to be kind and respectful of others so that everyone feels safe and comfortable at BIIS programs.

In moving forward together, we know that COVID will continue to be with us and we are all going to have to learn to live with it.  Bridge II Sports will continue to pay attention to the guidance from local health departments as they continue to monitor our trends to make sure we are following the CDC’s safety guidelines staying within the medium- and low-risk levels as a community.

I do ask that we all kindly follow the need for masks in some places – including healthcare facilities, public transit, and regional buses – where masks will continue to be required to keep people safe.

Thank you for honoring the Bridge II Sports COVID Policies over the last two years.  I am grateful for our staff and volunteers committed to following extra safety measures to ensure BIIS could keep providing in-person adapted sports programs for people with physical disabilities.  We all celebrate that in two years Bridge II Sports has had NO COVID outbreaks!

Building the Bridge to Life,

Ashley Thomas, Founder & CEO