Media Inquiries
Please direct all media inquiries to:
866-880-2742 x108
Everyone involved with Bridge II Sports–our athletes, their families, our coaches, volunteers, sponsors and even our staff– has a unique and incredible story of how the power of adapted sport has impacted their life.
We are thankful for the media for sharing these stories with the wider world and joining us in challenging perceptions of disability in our community.
Here is a sampling of coverage featuring Bridge II Sports
8/14/2022: Nancy West from the Rocky Mount Telegram provides a well-rounded report on the excitement and competition from the Valor Games Southeast 3×3 Wheelchair Basketball Tournament at the Rocky Mount Event Center August 6.
7/11/2022: ABC11 Sports Anchor/Reporter Travon Miles and Data Journalist Maggie Green came out to our BIIS ‘warehouse studio’ to get the scoop on Jillian’s journey through adapted sports and recent high school state championship on the track.
Portions of this piece also aired nationally during an ESPYs pre-show.
2/5/2021: Victoria Wreslio Spectrum News 1 spends the afternoon with us at our youth wheelchair basketball #TeamBIISPRIDE skills practice sharing the story of Bridge II Sports and lending voice to the need for collegiate adapted sports right here in North Carolina.
9/18/2020: Bridget Condon ABC-11 shares the camaraderie of Veteran Sports Day, an in-person event bringing 9 athletes together for a day sport and fun while adhering to COVID-19 regulations and safety procedures.
5/17/2020: Joe Mazur of ABC 11 shares plans for Virtual Valor Games SE to take place during the week ‘that would have been’ May 18-21.
4/29/2020: Jeff Smith of UNC-TV talks with Ashley Thomas and Katharine Doyle about the cancellation of Valor Games SE 2020 and plans for the future
8/19/2019:Mary Dunleavy of WRAL covers August Madness 2019 at PNC Arena
7/12/2019: Bridget Condon of ABC11 give wheelchair basketball a shot at Bridge II Sports Wheelchair Ball for ALL event at YMCA Cage Court on the American Tobacco Campus
5/23/2019: CBS17- WNCN reports from Valor Games Southeast 2019 Day 3 of Competition at Lake Crabtree County Park
5/22/2019: News & Observer shares the action and camaraderie from Valor Games Southeast 2019 Day 2 of Competition at Duke University.
5/21/2019: Anthony Wilson ABC11 reports from Valor Games Southeast 2019 Day 1 of Competition at the Dean E. Smith Center
Spring 2019: Feature story on Bridge II Sports in Triangle Sports Magazine
2/15/2019: Bridget Condon ABC11 shares story of NBA All-Star Dennis Smith Jr. joining Bridge II Sports to play wheelchair basketball at the Jr NBA Day at All-Star Weekend in Charlotte.
1/27/2019: Mary Dunleavy WRAL reports on Bridge II Sports Team PRIDE halftime wheelchair basketball demonstration at the University of North Carolina Womens Game vs. Notre Dame
8/27/18: Joe Mazur of ABC11 shares the experience of August Madness 2018 with NBA and UNC legend Phil Ford and elite wheelchair athletes participating in the event
5/24/18: Tisha Powell of ABC11 reports on her experience as emcee of Closing Ceremony of Valor Games SE 2018
5/23/18: ABC11 Feature on Valor Games SE at Day 2 of Competition
Reporter Bridget Condon and Anchors Tisha Powell and Steve Daniels
5/23/18: Jeff Jones of CBS17 WNCN reports on Valor Games SE 2018 with footage from events at Duke University Cameron Indoor Stadium.
5/22/18: Spectrum News 14 reports on Valor Games SE 18 Opening Ceremony 5/21/18 including remarks from Governor Roy Cooper
5/22/18: Spectrum News coverage of Valor Games SE Competition at UNC Dean E. Smith Center
Reporter: Chris Williams
5/3/18: CBS17 Jeff Jones visits Bridge II Sports Archery Clinic
I had a great time meeting the guys from @Bridge2Sports on Thursday. Part of their mission is to empower athletes with physical disabilities-- and they're great at it!
— Jeff Jones (@JeffJonesSports) May 4, 2018
4/26/18: Ashley Thomas talks Valor Games Southeast with UNC-TV Sit-Rep’s Jeff Smith