In a recent report from the American Academy of Pediatrics researchers recommend that pediatricians should focus on the potential of children with disabilities and promote participation in sports and recreation including writing ‘physical activity prescriptions’ for children to get involved with opportunities in the community.

“Taking part in a recreational sport or activity gives children a sense of achievement and chance to improve not only physical health, but skill levels, creativity, friendships and quality of life…It’s no longer acceptable to play it safe or assume children with disabilities ‘can’t do that.’ We want all children to experience the challenges and joys of participating in some form of recreation.” report authors commented. (

This is the foundation that Bridge II Sports is built on and has been promoting for 15 years. We are glad to see the importance of recreation for children with disabilities being put to the forefront for pediatricians with a ‘call-to-action’ to get kids engaged.

Make sure your pediatrician knows about Bridge II Sports and the importance of recreation for ALL at your next appointment!

Click below for a link to the report in Pediatrics plus a digital and printable flyer about BIIS that you can share with YOUR child’s pediatrician at your next appointment.
We’d be happy to talk to them as well and send additional materials to share with their patients.
prescription pad with 'Go To Bridge II Sports' written on it